Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Send Your Stories & Pictures!

There are so many wonderful stories to write about Nicaragua! But my photo inventory is running low! Please send your photos and ideas for stories. I will happily add them to the NicaPOD blog with full attribution to you.

When I get enough cash to come back to Nicaragua, I'll renew my inventory of photos and experiences -- but all the visitors to NicaPOD are depending on YOU now.

Please send even rough ideas and thoughts for new stories -- there are so many tales to tell out there! I can fill in, edit, re-write, conduct interviews via email, etc. Just don't be shy -- we need the stories and experiences of everyone!

Thanks to everyone who has sent stories in the past, and to those who want to send some soon!

Your story editor, Vera

PS: The photo today is taken on the ferry from San Jorge to Moyagalpa on Ometepe Island. I was in the lower section of the ferry looking out one of the windows. The photo shows how we were rocking and rolling on the water, although it wasn't enough to make anyone sick, thank goodness!

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