"Cortador de Cana". By Maria Elena Pineda, 1993, Oil on Canvas, 20" X 17".

Maria Magdalena Pineda began painting in the early 1990’s. She is a dynamo of energy involved in many aspects of the arts on the Solentiname Islands. She is one of the lead individuals who manages the Gallery of the Union of Painters and Artisans on San Fernando Island. In addition, she runs a delightful small hotel called Hotel Cabanas Paraiso, with a dining veranda overlooking Lake Nicaragua, and comfortable rooms filled with paintings. You can contact the hotel at 506-301-8809 or 506-354-8065.
The painting above was one of Maria Elena's very first, completed in 1993. I found it on the wall in one of her hotel rooms and fell in love with it. She was gracious enough to sell it to me on the spot!

As an active painter, she maintains her studio on the hill above her hotel, with a view of the water and islands that inspires continually exceptional works of art.
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