Mauricio, the son our my special friend, Carole, made the canopy walk seem like the easiest thing in the world. It is located in the only internationally registered tropical wetland area in Nicaragua, El Refugio de Vida Silvestre Los Guatuzos. Mauricio, brave soul that he is, led the way, and bounced and sprinted through the catwalks! I followed sedately behind!
On our trip to Solentiname Islands, we made a side trip to El Refugio de Vida Silvestre Los Guatuzos. This refuge is a reserve for the huge variety of flora and fauna of this southern most point of Nicaragua. It is located on the southern shore of Lake Nicaragua, on the west side of the San Juan River just north of the boundary between Nicaragua and Costa Rica.
Amazingly, the types of birds that make Refugio Guatuzos their home number almost 390. This doesn't include the thousands of migratory birds that journey through the Refuge. We traveled on a small motor boat with a guide who helped us site monkeys, birds, turtles and caimans, plus a huge diversity of trees, water plants, flowering plants, and every type of green growing thing I could have imagined. The short Refugio Guatuzos tour was eye-opening and an experience not soon forgotten!
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