The artists of Nicaragua can be found in every corner of this beautiful country. But in 2005, as a Managua resident, I was constantly on the lookout for local galleries of any kind of art. I stumbled upon Galeria Anil just by chance, and was really enthralled by this small gem. Anil, meaning "indigo" in Spanish, is surrounded in a cocoon of azure and indigo blue, and offers an eclectic mix of contemporary visual art and sculpture.

Luis Morales Alonso, Director and Owner of Galeria Anil, studied in Cuba, Mexico and Guatemala, and has exhibited in Spain and all over Latin America, including Peru, Mexico and Central America. He began the Gallery about 15 years ago, and since then it has grown into this lovely space. In the last two years, Galeria Anil has curated and hosted such interesting exhibitions as "Playland: Pinturas del importante artista coastarricense Adrian Arguedas", "4 puntos Cardinales: Works of Alicia Montoya, Sarahlynn Pistorius, Luzvy Martinez, Lila Suka", "Tres Mujeres en el Arte: Maria Lourdes Ceneno, Giovanna Serrano, Rosa Carlota Tunnermann", "Colision: Pinturas Recientes de Victor M. Leiva", "El Conquistador" and the unedited graphic work "Trienio 1978-1980" of Hugo Palma-Ibarra, and "Armonias Reciprocas: Obras recientes del pintor Ramiro lacayo Deshon".

When I dropped by unannounced, I met both Senor Morales and Aldo Chavarria, his colleague. Although Senor Morales was clearly on his way somewhere, they were both extremely courteous and attentive, plying me with many beautiful color prints, postcards and publications -- even a poster of an exhibition of Nicaraguan contemporary art in Denmark in September of 2004. The back of the poster offered an informed summary (in English) of the influences on contemporary Nicaraguan visual arts from the pre-Colombian heritage through the European traditions to modern experimental art in Nicaragua in the 1980's 1990's and into the 21st century. This succinct history was written by Luis Morales Alonso.
Galeria Anil is located in the Bolonia neighborhood of Managua, 1 block to the west of the Canal 2 TV building, 10 meters to the south. The last contact information I had to reach the Galeria Anil is 505-266-5445 or galerianil05@yahoo.com.
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