After 50 days of posting stories about Nicaragua, I've learned a lot about blogging! I hope you have all enjoyed what you've seen here. As you can see from the photo at the right, I've enjoyed every minute of developing the stories and photos!
I've made a few updates to the site, including:
1. A map of Nicaragua that you can click on to get to a Google map site and manipulate the map to find a city or town. So if you want to locate a place that is discussed in the blog posts, you can!
2. A link to a product related to Nicaragua on Amazon. I will change these products regularly to allow as much variety as possible! In general the products will be art and culture related, unless there is something else that seems interesting! If you have something to suggest, please let me know!
Some of the side bar features for your convenience include:
3. A solicitation for stories and photos for this blog! Keep those stories coming! And thank you so much for all contributions! It's great to hear about other's experiences.
4. Google ads -- hey, I have to try to support this blogging habit!
5. Copyright and contact information for contributors.
6. A list of my other 2 sites about Nicaragua -- one for selling art from Nicaragua, and the other a blog specifically about Nicaraguan art.
7. My profile!
Tomorrow I'll be back to a regular story. Keep your stories and photos coming!
Sincerely, Vera
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