Friday, May 16, 2008

Ceramica Negra

Maria Estella Rodriguez of Matagalpa, has worked ceramica negra, or ceramic blackware, for 22 years. She learned from her mother, and is the 5th generation of women in her family to work in blackware. Her family was originally from El Nispero in Jinotega, but for various reasons moved to Matagalpa in 1942. They brought with them the skill and art of blackware.

We had an awful time finding her little shop. One of my primary motives for going to Matagalpa was to find this unique artform, and to meet the artists -- whoever I could find! So when we finally found her, it was a great pleasure to talk with her (in my broken Spanish) about her work. And blackware is actually only created in three communities on the American continent, so it is unique indeed!

From what I could understand, she may be the last generation in her family to carry on this artistic tradition. Her daughters don't have an interest in learning the craft, and instead want to learn English and focus on modern rather than traditional things. Just like kids everywhere I guess!

There was an article about Dona Maria Estella in the March 12, 2007 edition of El Nuevo Diario in Nicaragua that tells more about her life and her feelings about the art of ceramica negra ( If you get a chance go to Matagalpa to visit her or one of the ceramica negra cooperatives there before it is too late!

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