Friday, April 25, 2008


Masatepe is a great little town just south west of Masaya. I actually don't know very much about it except that it has many family workshops that produce furniture in wicker and carved woods of various sorts. On my almost daily trips from Managua to San Juan de Oriente, I would pass through Masatepe and found myself enchanted with the beautiful fincas and shops full of lovely furniture. Because of the higher elevation, Masatepe, San Marcos and other towns along this route are much cooler and fresher than Managua.

Unlike San Marcos just up the road (where an American university has a foreign campus), Masatepe isn't really set up for tourists or visitors. Most of the commercial and public services are focused on just the local population. So you won't find hotels or restaurants or fancy internet cafes here. According to, "The level of social equity is higher here than in most other parts of Nicaragua and in many respects it is a place of opportunity." And as is the case with most towns in Nicaragua, it has its own annual patron saint celebrations and various festivals that are interesting and colorful.

When my husband and I stopped to look at some furniture, we watched the negotiations between a European businessman and a local furniture maker. It appeared that the European man was placing a large order for wicker furniture to be used in a new hotel or hospedaje on the eastern coast of Nicaragua. It was interesting to watch. The furniture maker didn't give him any bargains, but negotiated a very tough deal! And any of you who know this furniture, understand it is worth a lot -- both in the types of wood used and the beauty and durability of the finished products.

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