Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Roberto Huembes Mercado

One of Nicaragua's many claims to fame is that the Roberto Huembes Mercado in Managua is the largest market in all of Central America. Sources I've consulted say it includes over 10,000 tiendas or small shops. Having spent many hours shopping in the Huembes Mercado, I certainly believe that figure!

I usually shopped at various mercados around Managua for fresh vegetables, dog food, staples, soaps and cleansers, spices, canned goods, paper products and anything else I could find. Above is my favorite tienda in the Huembes Mercado, where I always got good prices on everything. Run by a family (as most of the tiendas are), it was a very friendly environment for me as a non-Spanish speaker! Even though none of them spoke English, they were always kind and patient with me!

Here is one of my favorite places in Huembes - the flower mercado! And below is a farmacia and broom shop (why not?)!

For fresh meat, it was several meat markets on C. Sur. I also loved going to Small Farmers on C. Sur, which is a coop of small farmers and coffee growers using organic practices. Twice a month, Small Farmers would have an enlarged market, with growers from the region coming into Managua to showcase and sell their products. There was usually also music and hot food to sample. A great time was had by all.

As all the guidebooks will tell you, anything is available at Huembes Mercado. We bought furniture there, as well as towels and dishes, suitcases and stationary, buckets and brooms, and the list goes on.

Huembes Mercado was also where I was initally exposed to the ceramic arts from San Juan de Oriente. Although we later began searching out the artist's themselves, Huembes Mercado was the start of our Nicaraguan arts adventures!

If you are brave enough to drive in Managua, below is one of the Huembes Mercado parking lots, where the vehicles are watched over by blue-shirted disabled veterans, for just a few cordoba. You can also have your car washed and polished while you're shopping.

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