Saturday, April 5, 2008

Torneador, Miguel Angel Amador

In San Juan de Oriente, ceramics are an important economic and artistic endeavor for the entire community. In fact, business has increased so much that some of the various parts of creating pottery for sale has become specialized. An example of this is the development of specialists called "torneador"s, or people who specialize in turning the vessels themselves.

In 2006, I met a young man who had been in the ceramics business for 12 years, even though he was only 25 at that time! Miguel Angel Amador was busy on that day making vessels for the Sanchez workshop. His father had trained in the 70's with a Spanish pottery project, and Miguel had been exposed to many aspects of the business as he was growing up.

In 2006, Miguel was working for 8 different family workshops. He had 2 kids and lived in San Juan de Oriente. If anyone knows where he is and what he is doing now, I'd love to get an update!

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